

Let’s Work Together

Plot 348A, Cadastral Zone 04-07,
Gwagwalada, Abuja

Bokoko, Lifewater

Lifewater responds to the plea of a child in Bokoko, Nasarawa

Pamboro and Bokoko communities had a peculiar case whereby wells were broken. The communities were depending on river water for their daily water needs. This leads to water-borne diseases and the death of children in these communities. There is also the concern of insecurity, where bandits and hoodlums attack them. Lifewater Nigeria brought succour to the lives of these communities. Marke community, though having access to the state’s water board, has had to deal with shortage in water supply to the community. The inhabitants trek long distances to fetch water. In many cases, trekking to the river is at the risk of getting raped, kidnapped, or attacked by snakes.

Below, we summarize our project at Bokoko, Pamboro and Marke Communities:

N22-R238 Bokoko Makaranta

N22-R239 Bokoko Angwan Sarki

N22-R251 Bokoko Angwan Eggon

Blind beggar Bartimaeus calls out to Jesus for mercy and healing. The crowd tells the blind man to be quiet. He gets even louder! Jesus tells his disciples to bring the blind man over. A miracle happens because of his faith!

Bokoko community also links to several villages that the ministry of clean water has blessed by Lifewater Canada. Surprising, we never imagined they had broken wells and the community never reached out to us about their water problems.

Like blind Bartimaeus, it took the faith and courage of a child from the community to bring their water problems to the fore. One day, as we journeyed to a location, a child shouted: “please help us repair the one in our school. We don’t have water.” We stopped to assess the broken school well and visited the community head. He showed us even two more broken wells.

Today, in response to the courage and plea of that child, Bokoko community now has water in abundance. The women and children in the community are full of gratitude for the love they experience.

N22-R229 Pamboro Angwan Sarki

N22-R230 Pamboro Angwan Gari

Pamboro is a community in Nasarawa State with a severe water crisis. The community’s dependency on river water has led to water-borne diseases and the death of children.

Access to the community river takes about 30 minutes, with the risk of physical assault and attack by bandits and other criminal elements in the community.

The community’s three wells broke down for a long time, but the residents could not afford the cost of rehabilitation. Through our intervention, there is clean water in Pamboro. The residents now experience freedom from contaminated water and attacks by criminals on the road to the river.

N22-R237 Marke

Marke is a growing community in Nasarawa State. Suffering from crippling water shortages, the public water board has rationed water in the Marke community. Meeting daily water needs for the people of Marke is a difficult hurdle.

The inhabitants trek long distances to fetch water. Most times, trekking to the river is at the risk of getting raped, kidnapped, or attacked by snakes. Searching for water also keeps many children in the community away from classrooms, leaving them illiterate, uneducated and deprived of life’s opportunities.

Our mission to Marke began in February 2022, when we provided two new wells. With this rehabilitation, water needs for Marke have received one of the best attentions in a long time. It’s such a joy to bring people clean water while expecting nothing in return. Thank you L-Can for the support.

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