

Let’s Work Together

Plot 348A, Cadastral Zone 04-07,
Gwagwalada, Abuja

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Kpashimi Anguwa Nupe I, Lapai


I am Yunusa Alhassan, a resident of Kpashimi, Nigeria. I am so happy and grateful to Lifewater for restoring the broken well and providing clean water to our community. 

Before Lifewater’s intervention, we had to walk for hours to fetch water from a distant stream. The water was often contaminated, causing illness and disease. 

Lifewater worked with our community to restore the well. Now, we have access to clean, safe water just a few minutes’ walk from our homes. 

Clean water has improved the health of my family and our community. I am also grateful that the children no longer have to walk for hours to fetch water and can now spend their time in school or playing. 

I am so thankful to Lifewater for their work in Kpashimi. They have made a real difference in our lives.

